145. How to S.W.A.T. Team Your Goals in 4 Easy Steps (Mindset Monday)

On Mindset Mondays, I go over the latest trends regarding mindset, motivation, success, and personal development. These podcasts will be short 15-20 mins just to give you bite-sized tactics and strategies to start your week off strong and finish even stronger.

This week’s episode will be on goals:

  • How tactical operators plan for missions

  • The P.A.C.E. Plan Framework for ultimate success

  • Understanding the reticular activating system to achieve your goals

I just created a cheat sheet called the Top 10 Mindsets You Need To Be Successful In Life & On Any Diet. If you’re interested in getting this, simply message me “MINDSET” at info@joelevancoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @joelevancoaching


146. Melatonin The Miracle Molecule: Reverse Aging, Lose Weight, & Fight Cancer (Dr.John Lieurance - Mitozen)


144. Indoor vs Outdoor Workouts, Thriving Into Your 50's w/Steve Vierra (Weekend Health Talk)