As a Certified Neubie Practitioner, I believe that the most powerful and transformative way to help people recover from pain and injury, as well as reach their training goals is to focus on the nervous system.

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“The God’s Of War Have Reawakened Me”
Head over to the blog to listen to Mike Tyson’s thoughts on using the Neubie for his recovery and performance amid his comeback to the boxing ring!
The NEUBIE is unique for several reasons. It uses pulsed direct current (DC) as opposed to alternating current (AC); it has unique effects on the body's tissues to promote healing; and it has unique effects on the nervous system that, when combined with the NeuFit System, allows practitioners to provide a meaningful dose of neuromuscular re-education.
Using DC is important, because it has numerous, positive biological effects. DC fields have been shown to accelerate the body’s own physiological processes of healing, repair, and regeneration, (1-6) and to have unique effects on the nervous/neuromuscular system. (6-9) Although this has been known for a long time, most devices out there are alternating current (AC). These devices are cheaper and easier to engineer, and most people don’t know the difference. Unfortunately, they won’t have anywhere near the same effect at the cellular level.
In addition to having positive effects on tissues, the NEUBIE is used along with the NeuFit System for neuromuscular re-education. The NeuFit system is based on new research showing that electrical stimulation can affect reflex patterns, brain activity, muscle output, and pain.
Treatments with the NEUBIE and NeuFit System are active rather than passive. Traditional e-stim treatments have patients lying down, passively accepting the current and not moving. In contrast, the DC signal of the NEUBIE actually permits movement, even at therapeutic levels of stimulation. This allows for optimal, eccentric contractions, which research is proving to be a major factor in effective rehabilitation .
When recovering from injuries or surgeries, the biggest issue is not usually the original trauma, but how you respond to that trauma. After injury or surgery, the brain and nervous system send signals to guard, protect, and brace around the site of trauma. And these signals are the reason why it often takes so much longer to recover from injury and surgery. The protective tension can impede blood flow, for example, which reduces the body’s ability to rebuild and heal. And neurological signals to shut down muscles and prevent movement can linger for too long, leaving that area of the body more vulnerable. With NeuFit, you’ll be able to identify exactly where those neurological barriers are present and break through them on the way to more efficient and effective recovery.
With modern advances in science, we now know a lot more about pain than ever before. Pain is not actually experienced in the body, but in the brain. It is an active output signal from the brain, generated in response to perceived threat - not necessarily damage. And it is an attempt to make you change your behavior to move away from a threat. Sometimes it is acute pain because of a real injury. However, sometimes pain lingers even after an injury has healed on its own or been surgically repaired. Or it happens for other reasons, independent of any actual injury or damage. Along with the NEUBIE's ability to manage acute and chronic pain, the NeuFit System can help get to the root of where the pain is coming from.
Athletic Performance is very dependent on the nervous system. Above all else, your brain prioritizes survival and wants to be sure you live to see tomorrow. That often means “putting on the brakes,” and limiting your performance to ensure that you don’t get injured and threaten survival. What does this actually mean? It means that targeted, neurological interventions can make a difference. In the NeuFit System, we use strategic mobility drills, neurological re-education with the NEUBIE, large doses of eccentric movement to train the muscles to become more pliable and absorb force, and other unique exercises and techniques that amplify your ability to perform at a high level.