141. The Truth About Water Distillation & Why It's The Best Form of Filtration, The Mineral Myth - My Pure Water (Glenn Meder & Taylor Wagemen)

Excited to interview the good folks over at My Pure Water, a water distillation company in the USA. For over 40 years, the Pure Water brand has been making water distillers for your homes. Water distillation has been recognized as the single most effective way to protect against the full range of possible contaminants that can be found in water.

Over the last few years, I've been been researching water, and I've gone through many different types of filters; reverse osmosis, Berkey, Brita, and several others. The network of functional medicine doctors I'm connected with kept observing that patients were being effected by radioactive elements and pesticides. The majority of them were being exposed by their drinking water.

Distilled water was really the only way to properly remove all the contaminants from drinking water. But then the argument is, "But what about the minerals?" I've come to the conclusion that most of our minerals come from the food we eat, not our drinking water, a topic we explore in this episode. We get into the benefits, the biggest myths, and much more.

If you're interested in getting a My Pure Water distiller, use the code "JOELEVAN" in checkout for a discount.

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, or you want to lose weight permanently through a holistic method that focuses on mindset, nutrition, detox, and habit mastery, then DM me “I'M READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]

3:40 - Biggest myths with distilled water
6:33 - What is distillation?
7:57 - Can people have detox reactions from drinking distilled water?
14:01 - The main problem with reverse osmosis water
17:10 - What makes My Pure Water unique compared to other brands?
23:00 - The difference between all their models
27:00 - What type of maintenance is expected for most folks
28:33 - Testimonials from people transitioning to distilled water
31:10 - Exciting projects for MyPureWater and Glen Meder
40:25 - Lightning Round Questions

Other Resources/Links
MyPureWater Distillers - use code JOELEVAN in checkout for a discount

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