Running Towards Fear
“My doctor won’t help me ...” “I hate being noticed ...”
“I just let myself go ...”
“I’m just not motivated ...” “I don’t know what to eat ...”
“Want to find the energy but I can’t ...”
These are the common phrases I hear from clients that come to me. They suffer from not just being overweight, but suffer from severe metabolic disorders like heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes/diabetes, and are on the road to a short lived life. In fact, during the pandemic, the vast majority—78%—of U.S. patients hospitalized were overweight or had obesity.
I want to change that.
After dealing with my own health issues as a kid, most likely from a rich diet of Twinkies, peanut butter and white bread sandwiches, and Capri-Suns daily for lunch, I know what it’s like to be in the hospital over and over again asking the doctor, “Why is this happening to me?”
Then this happened...

Optimal health doesn’t build itself...
Most people are great in their area of expertise, but having optimal health requires two things: the right mindset and the right skills.
And that’s where many fall short. They’ve never cultivated the right mindset due to past limiting beliefs, lack of clarity, or just lack of knowledge, so they don’t know how to do it right.
To get our help to find the missing link in your health, book a free 10 minutes clarity call with us below.
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In 2018, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by the hit TV show "A Users Guide to Cheating Death" regarding meditation/mindfulness and using technology to help facilitate that process. I was asked to be interviewed because they were surprised that a police officer like me was using the meditation app Headspace to help bring mindfulness and stress relief to my life as well as the job.