110. Health Hack Fridays: 5 Ways To Stop Snacking

Health Hack Fridays are short 1-5 minutes episodes to give you simple easy hacks, solutions, and strategies that you can implement right away to have an impact not only on weight loss but overall health.

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, or you want to lose weight permanently through a holistic method that focuses on mindset, nutrition, detox, and habit mastery, then DM me “I'M READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]


111. (Mindset Monday) The Winner's Mindset: How to Construct An Unbeatable Mind


109. Essential Oils Podcast - How to pick the healthiest sunscreen: Mineral vs Chemical, SPF’s, Key Ingredients to Avoid