088. Mindset Monday - Courage: Why it's important? How we lose it? How to regain it back?
“When courage is lost, all is lost. We become weaklings, afraid to meet the test of life.”
Courage is the attribute of the soul that gives us strength, power, and endurance to overcome or surmount obstacles, weakness, hardships, failure, loss, disappointment, crisis-any force, circumstance, condition, person, or thing that tends to impede our progress or interfere with our well-being.
Most of us think of courage as this form of physical bravery. Going into a burning building this sense of “dashing courage.”
What about spiritual courage? Founded in faith and unselfishness.
Courage is freaking powerful, is it not? It’s a force that attracts us to one another. If someone is courageous you’re like man, I want to be like that person or I wish I could get to know them.
Fear is contagious. but so is courage. Courage is also contagious. People become united and inspired by courage. It can bond us all together.
Courageous men and women never indulge in self-pity or complacency. Their souls shine as ever-guiding lights to lead others out of darkness and confusion. Life has many trials and tribulations and it is only the courage to face these and master them that allows us to strive upward.
When courage is lost, all is lost. We become weaklings, afraid to meet the test of life.
We see examples of this every day in those people who have lost their courage, who have given up hope, who allow themselves to sink to the depths of human society.
The person who indulges in self-pity is naturally a coward.
When our power and energy become inverted, when we become overly concerned about ourselves, then we have incapacitated ourselves for brave and daring action. Then our inevitable reaction to danger and difficulty is not courage but alibis and escapes.
It is essential for self-control and self-discipline.
As long as people succumb to the desires, urges, and tendencies of their animalistic nature, they will continue to vibrate on a low plane. Only as we learn, through courageous thought and action, to control and redirect those tendencies, will we evolve to a higher plane of existence.
We must exercise courage in controlling those habits and traits that tend to degrade our nature.
There’s always a fight between the carnal part of us and the spiritual part.
The carnal person embodies all the destructive, worldly traits that tend to lower human nature. The spiritual person represents all the attributes of the soul, which shine like a light to direct the soul on the upward path.
Self-control and self-discipline do not mean self-repression but, to the contrary, spell power for self-expression gained through exercising courage in overwhelming the destructive forces within ourselves and within our people.
It requires courage to shoulder our responsibilities to work out our own problems.
It’s actually selfish and cowardly to not fight your own battles.
So many people delight in being martyrs, but this is really a weakness of character and a lack of courage. When you lack courage, you are lost.
No doubt we are entitled to peace and happiness, but it takes courage to face the evils of the world and rise above them. When people around us are annoying and irritating and depressing, we must adapt ourselves and rise above.
When you’re courageous you rise above and defend your rights, control your emotions, and maintain that happy state of mind.
It’s easy to be “easy-going” when everything is going good, but what about when things are going bad.
Either we must be the victor of our circumstances or else become its victims. Most people follow the path of least resistance. They long for a life of ease, free from struggle and pain, and if it were in their plans, nothing would interfere with their ease and comfort.
Ironically the most stimulating elements of growth and development of body, mind, and soul would be eliminated.
Many of us become dwarfed in our minds and darkened in our spirit because we live in a world of unrealities. We lack the. courage to seek enlightenment and to struggle through the mire of opposing forces in conquering their environment. We lack the faith in ourselves, in other people, in God or source to strive in this cooperative effort until the final victory is achieved.
When you have vision, and you actually connect with that. You’re connected to your North Star.
And you continue to press on—then you grow.
Through your failures, you gain wisdom and experience, and ultimately you will reach your goals.
Something that really touched me recently and helped me through the struggle was this.
When we come to recognize that this universe is governed by God’s law and that nothing happens by chance, that each difficulty met has its own purpose in the Great Plan—then we cease to rebel against the great scheme of things.
Every time you push forward, you gain more wisdom. You get stronger. You learn from your mistakes. You evolve.
So when times are tough. Be bold. Be courageous. Fight onward.
As long as we allow people and things to influence us to a spirit of fear, then chaos, confusion, and destruction will be rampant in the world.
But when we radiate a spirit of faith, love, and courage, when we embody in our all souls all the noble attributes that lift humanity above the plan of selfishness and desire, when we keep our faces turned toward the sunshine—then the shadows will fall behind us.