#034 Hacking Heart Disease & Heart Attacks - Dr Michael Twyman

Most heart attacks are caused by blockages that are less than 50% [blocked]

This week, I interview none other than the biohacking cardiologist, Dr Michael Twyman. Dr Twyman is the originator of Apollo Cardiology, where he's doing some interesting tests than the average cadiologist. Dr Twyman looks at heart disease and heart attacks much differently than your average cardiologist, as he’s taking in more than just your diet, but 400 other factors! Things like light, circadian rhythm, meal timing, and much more. He answers questions that are always on people’s minds, like “Is cholesterol really bad?” and “the truth behind statins.” We talk about how to prevent heart disease and heart attacks. I was surprised to learn that “most heart attacks are caused by blockages that are less than 50% [blocked].”

Dr Twyman is also extremely bullish on red light therapy and photobiomodulation. Red light therapy Red light therapy works from the inside-out to enhance mitochondrial function in cells. This, in turn, leads to several skin benefits. Red light decreases skin inflammation, smooths skin tone, repairs sun damage, fades scars and stretch marks, and even builds collagen in the skin, which reduces wrinkles. It also heals wounds and can prevent recurring cold sores or herpes simplex. Red light works on the lymphatic system to improve your body’s detoxification abilities by increasing blood flow. It may even stimulate hair growth in your hair follicles. Dr Twyman explains why he thinks red light therapy is going to be so important right now and in the future. Dr Twyman focuses less on nutrition and more on light, magnetism, and water similar to one of his mentors Dr Jack Kruse.

If you’re anxious about something you should probably do something about it

What I also like about Dr Twyman is he’s a lifelong learner. He attends several motivational/business conferences yearly and has picked up some amazing insights throughout the years from mentors such as Bedros Keuilian, author of the best selling book, “Man Up.” Like Dr Twyman said, “Nobody really has this figured out. Believe in yourself. Make this happen. Imperfect action beats perfection inaction.”


3:38 - How Dr Twyman biohacks cardiology

5:00 - How blue light effects the heart and overall immunity

11:00 - Is cholesterol really bad?

12:04 - Do genes matter when it comes to heart disease?

21:30 - The big ideas to help reversing heart disease

23:30 - How light effects heart disease & cardiovascular health

29:20 - How COVID effects the endothelium system

31:13 - What preventative measure you can take for heart attacks

34:22 - What Dr Twyman does to help improve his overall health 

39:30 - The truth behind statins

43:00 - Most memorable testimonials with people in his clinic

44:20 - The most concerning issue coming in the future to the health world

47:00 - Some of the big ideas that have most impacted Dr Twyman this year

Dr Twyman’s Info

Dr Twyman’s Website

@drtwyman on Instagram

Additional Links/Resources

Laser Weber helmet

Weber Spectra watch:

Vielight - this is the device I mentioned for cranial red light therapy

Headspace - popular meditation app

InsightTimer - meditation app recommended by Dr Twyman

GembaRed - Red light therapy brand recommended by Dr Twyman

EMR Tek - Red light therapy brand recommended by Dr Twyman

Dr Jack Kruse - mentor to Dr Twyman

Gabrielle Lyon - mentor to Dr Twyman

Recommended Books

The Circadian Code

Man Up



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