#028 - Deep Nutrition: Unlocking Your Genome, Dangers of Sugar (Part 2 of 3)

A half teaspoon of sugar puts white blood cells to sleep for four hours.

  • Sugar is sticky and heats why high blood and tissue levels can have toxic effects

  • The body knows sugar is toxic and releases hormones to regulate it

  • Eventually, too much sugar disrupts hormonal function

  • Too much sugar also disrupts basic cellular functions in ways that accelerate the aging process

  • Because grocery stores are full of foods that raise blood sugar, most people eat more sugar than they realize

    In this podcast, I take a deep dive on SUGAR and why it wreaks havoc on your health more than you know. I'm sure most of you are thinking, "yeah I already know sugar is a problem big deal." But let me ask you, are your joints stiff and creaky? Do you suffer from heart palpitations, hormonal disruption, high cholesterol, migraines or cluster headaches? These could all be caused from too much sugar in your diet. In this podcast, you're going to hear why sugar is so devastating for your health, and then some amazing testimonials from others who cut out their sugar intake and rid themselves from once thought "uncurable" conditions.


Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food - Dr Catherine Shanahan

Unlocking Your Genome: Good Fats vs Bad Fats (First podcast episode I did diving into the other major culprit of bad health)


#029 - Deep Nutrition: Unlocking Your Genome, The Four Pillars of Health


#027 - Egoscue: Eliminate Pain with Postural Therapy - Angi Campos