#025 - The Psychic Medium: Channeling Spirits & Guides - Lizzy Leslie

This week’s guest is a bit of detour for me in terms of health and fitness type of interviews. A friend of mine and doctor recommended I check out Lizzy Leslie who is a psychic medium. Even he said, “This kind of stuff is not really my thing, but she’s legit.” Not in my wildest dreams would I think of interviewing a psychic, because even I’m not sure I really believe in these “secret” powers. However, I’m open to new ideas, and I’m open to possibility. I’ve learned over the years, there’s a lot we don’t know about the world, and there’s a lot we can’t explain from science for why something works, even though it works. There’s miracles all around us, and faith alone is a great example of things, ideas, or plans manifesting for us in the future all through faith.

Lizzy is from Santa Rosa, California and was a lot of fun. She’s not your typical psychic either. Sometimes she uses Cardi B or 2pac to get her into a higher vibration that allows her to connect with the innate. Then again, it depends what you think your typical psychic should look or behave like. What I mean, is she doesn’t have a crystal ball or read your palms, but she taps into the innate with what she calls “Guides,” or spirits that help her. These “Guides” help direct her readings and tell the message to the client. This was a really fun episode and at the end of the episode she even did a reading for me, so stay tuned to the end to hear what Lizzy had to say about me, and to experience a real psychic reading.


5:20 - Can anyone see spirts or be psychic?

12:50 - Why do people see psychics?

16:33 - What are guides?

24:00 - Do people see psychics for PTSD?

26:05 - What’s a typical session like?

39:08 - Manifestation and Vibration

47:07 - Lizzy’s take on crystals

55:04 - Lizzy diagnosis of what I believed a “spirit” that was choking me

Other Links/Resources

Felix Lerma (Medium In San Francisco that inspires Lizzy)

Long Island Medium (One of Lizzy’s favorite mediums)

Wayne Dyer (Motivational speaker similar to a Tony Robbins)

Dr Pete Goldman (Advanced healer and chiropractor)

Recommended Books

Opening to Channel (a better way to understanding channeling and connecting with your guide)

Ask and It is Given (a book about manifestation)


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