Joel Evan Coaching

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#027 - Egoscue: Eliminate Pain with Postural Therapy - Angi Campos

On the show this week, I met up with Angi Campos of Egoscue Method San Francisco. I had read about Egoscue Method almost 10 years prior in the book Pain Free by Pete Egoscue. It was recommended by a friend to help treat my low back pain. I found the book fascinating, but the exercises seemed too simple and required 45 minutes of my time, and I just felt like I couldn’t commit to that amount of time. Angi helped dispel all those myths and showed me how to correctly implement the Egoscue Method into my busy life.

This episode is phenomenal, because we also film an almost 40 minute session of me going thru a typical Egoscue analysis and first time session. Angi used a camera and special computer program to help analyze my posture from four different views. From there, the computer correctly can help diagnose what exercises are needed to help rebalance my body. The photos were to say the least, eye opening. I couldn’t believe the mechanical faults I was displaying. If you watch my session, you’ll see that I ask Angi, “Based on my photos where do you think I experience pain.” She was able to say, “You probably experience right knee pain.” She was 100% right. I couldn’t believe it.

Then she walked analyzed my gait and how I walk. By making one simple adjustment, my gait improved 75% better, I was walking lighter (not so heavy like a thud thud sound every time I step). She then had me touch my toes, which I couldn’t do without falling over. After a two minute isometric hold, I was touching my toes again. It was incredible!

The idea behind Egoscue is restoring the posture and getting to the root cause of your problems to help extinguish pain that you might feel in your low back, hip, or knees (as they ware the most common). 

This is a phenomenal episode, and if you listen to this episode please contact your local practitioner or Angi at Egoscue San Francisco, because Angi is doing Zoom video conference postural analyses where she can actually use the same computer software to diagnose your structural issues remotely! How cool is that? Your first postural analysis session is free if you just mention JOEL and where you heard the episode. I can’t thank Angi enough for offering this service to our listeners, it’s people like her that make us realize we are all connected in a much bigger way, and I’m grateful for people like her that are out serving us every day. 

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post


12:42 - How Angi got started with Egoscue

17:00 - How Egoscue is different

20:10 - Why Egoscue works

22:18 - What’s a typical session like

27:02 - What are E-cises and how these exercises turn on our muscles?

30:30 - Why just doing exercises to “turn on” the muscle might not work

32:40 - Herniated discs & why they are not a big deal

34:20 - How Egoscue practitioners can continue to support clients via ZOOM

37:00 - Most common injury trends Angi is seeing in the clinic

37:52 - Egoscue and professional athletes 

41:20 - How often should patients come in and retest?

45:20 - How do you make time for Egoscue? Doesn’t it take a long time?

47:30 - What’s Angi’s movement practice

52:10 - How Egoscue can help with anxiety and panic attacks

54:30 - How someone dodged hip replacement surgery using Egoscue

Other Resources/Links

Egoscue Method

Egoscue Method San Francisco - tell them you heard the show and mention my name to get a FREE Postural Assessment

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Pain Free - Pete Egoscue

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